Ada Salie

Head Coach

My journey with gymnastics started at 9 years old. I fell in love with the sport, and worked hard to eventually make it to Level 10 Elite, as well as the USA National Team in 2006. I’ve always loved children, so I became a coach in 2004, while still competing at the elite level. Even after I retired from the National Team, I have not been able to stay away from the sport for long- I competed as a freshman in college after a three year break, and then again in 2016 in Rhythmic Dreams’ FIG Group after a 6 year break, and a year after having my daughter, Jasmin. I made USA history by competing at the elite level as a mother. 

I am currently the head coach at Boston Rhythmic Watertown. Coaching the Junior Olympic team keeps me very busy, but when I can, I love to connect with recreational classes as well and go back to the roots of the sport. My favorite thing about coaching is the ability to connect with my girls, and lead them through the ups and downs of being a competitive athlete. Gymnastics for me is a way to teach much more than body skills – it’s about discovering the ability to overcome obstacles- both physical, and mental. I love seeing my gymnasts grow as young women, and fostering a real sense of connection on our teams, and in our community. 

Aside from a rhythmic gymnastics coach, I am a mother of two, certified health coach, and I have a passion for nutrition, family, my chickens, and creating community on a local level. 

Languages: English, Romanian,  Spanish