See the schedule in Hyde Park, Waltham, and Westborough
Boston Rhythmic Xcel Team is the perfect combination of competitive gymnastics and fun, offered in an inclusive and safe environment. Gymnasts learn individual routines and choreography, advanced skills, fun tosses, with a focus on correct rhythmic gymnastics technique. Our Xcel Team is our most popular program – with over 150 Xcel Team members. Our team members range from 5 to 18 years old, from beginner level to the most advanced. The Xcel Team classes are the natural progression up from our Rising Stars program. Gymnasts train twice per week in classes that are 1-2 hrs long.
Qualification: Gymnasts must have an understanding of basic rhythmic gymnastics apparatus handling, as well as Level A and B body skills, in order to join the Xcel Team. If you are unsure if your child qualifies for an Xcel Team class, please email us with a short video of your child’s best attempt at: splits, bridge (from standing if possible), cartwheel, any balances, turns, and jumps she knows, any apparatus handling she knows. We will review your video and get back to you with our class and level recommendation.
To schedule a tryout please call us at 617-397-5969.
Sample Skills Learned:
- Oversplits, bridges, walkovers
- A, B, C, and D Level balances, turns, jumps, with apparatus
- Advanced apparatus handling and masteries
- Advanced tosses
- Routines
- Choreography
- Musical artistry
- And more…
Equipment Needed:
- Ball and rope (required)
- Clubs (recommended)
- Hoop (optional)
- Gymnastics shoes, black leotard and shorts