Are you looking for fun, screen-free activities for the holidays when schools are not in session? Boston Rhythmic has a 20+ year tradition of hosting engaging, challenging and educative minicamps in Waltham, Westborough and Hyde Park! Spend the day stretching, dancing, tumbling, playing outdoor games, and learning new tricks with hoops, balls and ribbons! Learn about the most beautiful Olympic sport: Rhythmic Gymnastics! Take home arts and crafts projects that you will be so proud of!
We have theme days to make the camp unforgettable! Join our camp with your friends, for double the fun! On the longer minicamps, showcase your new skills in a mini-show at the end of the camp. Be proud of what you learned!
Here are some of the minicamps we offer throughout the year:
Rosh Hashanah
Yom Kippur
Indigenous Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Eve
Black Friday
Winter Holiday
Lunar New Year
February Vacation
Good Friday
April Vacation
Memorial Day
June Teenth
To register, click HERE. For more information please fill the form below