In the SPOTLIGHT: Ella, Level 8

Begin Here – Go Anywhere!

Our Boston Rhythmic family is full of wonderful examples of growth, resilience, learning, transformation, and leadership…  In this regular newsletter column, we are sharing the story and growth of one of our team gymnasts and the lessons she learned along the way.  They are all wonderful role models for our younger athletes! 

We asked Ella, Level 8, to share a few insights into her gymnastics life and her growth as an athlete. Ella’s first coach was Ada. She transferred to coach Iliana this year, in Level 8.  Here is what she shared with us:

What made you decide rhythmic gymnastics was the sport for you?

I remember that I thought this sport was so cool and sophisticated that I wanted to try it out.

What is your favourite gymnastics memory?

One of my favorite memories was during summer camp, I remember going to the pool after a hard day at camp and it was the best feeling, everyone was so happy and stress-free! I remember that even though camp was very tough and hard, it was fun to spend it with my teammates and friends.

What is your favorite part of training?

I would  have to say that my favorite part of training is warming up and stretching because I know how important it is.

What is your favorite apparatus?  Why?

My favorites are clubs and hoop. I love clubs because it requires more technique and strategy since you are using both hands at once, but I love hoop as well because it is fun to work with, and has a wide variety of cool tricks.

What is the biggest challenge you overcame as a gymnast?

I’m very proud of conquering the fear of competing in front of a big audience.

What skill would you like to achieve next?

I would like to master my penche turn.

Why do you love this sport?

I love this sport because it is a combination of multiple skills/sports, which makes it much harder, but also more special.

What piece of advice would you give to the younger kids who are looking up to you?

I think that you should always try your best in whatever you do, and love your sport.

Has RG ever helped you get through a hard/challenging time?  How did it help?

I think RG has taught me that challenging times and hard work always pay off and have a reward in the end. Even though I am still learning and training, this was a very important lesson RG has taught me. For example, after working so hard on a specific skill, finally mastering it makes me feel very accomplished and happy.